Thrown out, discarded. Brought in, made new.

Our Mission

Providing employment opportunities for those in need while sharing the gospel through our products and words.

Story and vision

Established in 2009, The Imperfect Cross, LLC seeks to employ men and women who come from difficult circumstances by providing opportunities for welding and designing rustic art crosses. When based in Houston, TX, our company had the opportunity to partner with a prison ministry. Through this relationship, our team was able to employ men recently released from prison who were entering back into society. Many hours were spent in “the shop” welding products, but also talking life — walking with Christ, managing finances, and serving our neighbors.

In 2019, The Imperfect Cross, LLC moved its operation to Austin, TX and is looking to partner with another local ministry that will allow for the same mission: employing those in need while sharing the gospel.


The founders of The Imperfect Cross, LLC affirm the doctrinal statement written by The Gospel Coalition.